Saturday, July 18, 2015

Proclaim Justice Day

Blog Entry: Rachel Matthews

This evening we hung out for awhile at the Renaissance Center, then rode on the People Mover, a train the loops around the downtown, and got to take a look around the city of Detroit from a different perspective. Later we walked to Ford Field for our large gathering. The theme tonight was how we have chains that hold us down and entangle our minds but the only thing that can set us free is Jesus. (The chains being things like money, drugs, alcohol, possessions, gossip, depression etc.) The speech that spoke to me the most tonight was told by Rosella White. She spoke about how everyone is loved and worthy and an image of God. As well as embracing who you are because God made you that way. The music was also amazing tonight. Skillet blew the roof off of Ford Field! We had so much fun dancing and yelling. We could truly feel the presence of God. 

Blog Entry: Eric Williams

We started our day bright and early, leaving the hotel at 7:15 a.m. We were dropped off at Hart Plaza at 8:05 to begin our Proclaim Justice day. We then departed the plaza after instructions and finding our "servant companion" Hannah, a college student from St. Louis. We were grouped with members of the Grand Canyon synod (El Paso, Texas and New Mexico churches) as well as a church from a small town in Iowa. While in transit, we were told where we would be working - a neighborhood in east Detroit. After our arrival, we were split into three groups, one for each of the three houses in which we were to clear the properties. We found many interesting things, such as an old computer and pictures of past residents. After lunch, we continued work removing weeds and cutting grass. We finished around 1:30 p.m. - which was two hours earlier than planned - and returned to Hart Plaza.